Thursday, 8 January 2015

How I fight a cold, Naturally

     So colds and flues are going around, hubs has had it even the dog had the sniffles, and yesterday it hit me! Had to take the day to try and get better. So typically speaking, I try and avoid cold meds. I'll take them if I have no other choice, but typically (much like my skin care routine) I prefer to do it naturally. So I thought I'd share what I did yesterday, that made me able to function enough to be back at work today.

    Let me start out by saying, I'm not a Doctor, and if you try these things, it's totally your call, this just works for me and I wanted to share, I'm not attempting to prescribe this to you.

     So, no matter what kind of sick I am, the first thing I always want is water. I love water, I drink it more than anything else, and I want it close by. What's more, it's important to stay hydrated anyway, but more so when you're sick, because it can also help flush it out. I set a 60 min timer, and in that span, I have to down an entire beverage, to make sure I get plenty. I mix it up between Water, Orange Juice, and Tea ( echinacea, chai, apple custard, and sleepytime). I also drink Kombucha, for it's probiotics, but I only drink it once, and don't really put it in the mix.

     Feel like I'm backtracking a little, but after my water, when I'm sick, I want soup....soup is that, I'm sick take care of me, security blanket. I generally DO make my soup from scratch (or verbally instruct my husband if I'm 100% bed ridden. I use bone broth, or cartons of broth ( I usually have both in the house). Garlic and Onion are thrown in for flavor but they're also members of the allium family, and they're good for opening you up, and they detoxify. I put in celery and Carrots, because it's chicken soup, and that's what you do, it's also the only way I eat carrots... I don't like them on their own. I bring it all to a boil, then add the chicken I have on hand and egg noodles. I like egg noodles in soup, and eggs are a source of Zinc, which is good for fighting a cold...not sure how much of a source the noodles are though, so I actually add an egg to the soup as well.

     I'm already getting vitamin c from the OJ, but I also take a slow release Vitamin c caplet, and cod liver oil caplets for my vitamin a, which also is good for a cold. 

     I've had people recommend Oregano oil, and hubs uses it and says it helps. I don't use it. You know that scene in elf where he has the "fruit spray" and then starts whining? That's me with oil of Oregano. ALSO, if you take it, you need to take it with food an apparently, not any time around the kombucha... I forget why, but I remember that... no worries for hubs, because he feels that way about kombucha. 

     Oh wow, this is already really long, but there is more. I do a detox bath. I make it as hot as I can stand (typically I avoid this with my eczema) add some Epsom salt and essential oils, and soak for 30+ min. 

     Something I've only just started trying is aroma therapy. I bought and essential oil infuser, and mix eucalyptus, lavender, and bandits blend (I've also heard it called thieves blend). the Bandits blend I've heard is good for when you're sick and it kind of a warm, cinnamon, cloves scent. Eucalyptus is good for helping you to breath, it opens you up and I'm pretty sure is a major ingredient in vicks. Then the Lavender, a side note, and I stress again, not a doctor, I'm nto about to tell you to shove stuff in your ears. That being said, I'm super susceptible to ear infections, I once got one in the summer. I thought I was getting one once and read somewhere, putting a couple drops of lavender on a cotton ball and putting it in the opening of your ear can help that. Knowing my history I thought, what have I got to lose? And it worked. I mostly put the lavender in the infuser because it helps you sleep. 

     And that brings me to the final thing I do to fight a cold and that's rest. 

     So that's what I did yesterday, I still have the cold, but I'm actually able to work today, and it's on it's way out. I still have my fluids, and will likely have another detox bath, and have my infuser going tonight, but I do feel much better. Thanks for reading, and if any of this helps you, I'm happy I posted this ridiculously long post :). 


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