Wednesday 28 January 2015

Potentially Controversial Post

     SO remember my post about being sick and how to treat it naturally? Well I'm still sick, and I'm not exclusively treating it naturally. I'm totally cool with telling you this, and can honestly say given the choice, NATURALLY is always my first choice, but I need to sleep, and I need to function during the day.

     SO let's go back to that post, time wise, here's what happened. That was on a Thursday. Friday I beleiev i actually ended up missing work...which I hate doing...I have a specific way I execute my show, and I love what I do....I despise missing work. I posted that when I've felt an ear infection coming on, I've used Lavender oil and it stopped it from coming... and it HAS worked (and has worked since) BUT some where between Friday night and Saturday morning, it wasn't cutting the mustard. My Ear infection hit and resulted in an early morning visit to the Regional where I was given Antibiotics. 

     Pain was handled quickly, but my hearing wasn't coming back. So after my antibiotics were gone ( I was on them 5 days) and was still deaf in one ear, I was a little concerned, and ended up at the Audiologist the following Tuesday. FORTUNATELY, doesn't seem to be any damage, but it can take a while to get your hearing back (I don't remember, I used to get them a BUNCH as a kid, but not so much in adulthood). It's another week since, my hearing HAS improved, but it's not 100% yet. I also seriously thought my other ear was about to go last night, used the lavender oil trick and I'm ok today... but I also had my oil infuser on WITH eucalyptus as well (I think it makes a difference too). 

     So I think it was last weekend when I was hacking every few min through the night I said forget it, I need help. I went to the store and got Cold meds, and I can function now. I am STILL doing all the stuff in my post... I got 12 hours sleep last night ( won't likely get it again but yeah). But I needed some help and got it at the drugstore. 

     NOW for the part of the post that could potentially piss some people off... I'm SO getting the flu shot next year. To the people who now desperately want to tell me why I shouldn't, don't waste your time, because it's not your call. I've heard it all, why it's not good, all the stigma behind it, but I've also listened to the other side, and the side against the flu shot, actually seems far more aggressive about arguing this point... this is why I put in the don't waste your time part. 

    Some people use, well our ancestors didn't have them... our ancestors life span was also a LOT shorter, and chicken pox was a life threatening illness.... how many people do you know who had the chicken many people do you know that DIED from the chicken pox. Modern medicine baby, it's not the enemy. it tends to be my backup plan, but it's still part of the equation. 

    Here is why I'm doing it. The info against it, tends to be crushed by the info for. I've thought this out long and hard, I've done my research, I tend to do that when I'm making a decision. Also, look at when I posted that post...20 days ago...I'm still sick...I was sick for the month of December last year... if this is going to be happening to me every year? I'm fighting it. I can't keep doing this, the definition of insanity, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. 

    I'm going to close on this post soon. I did want to mention to the people who are against, that I told not to bother trying to change my mind, I'm not judging you and your choice. I feel like it's your call, but on that note, respect my decision. Thanks for reading :)

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