Sunday, 24 December 2017

Christmas Eve

                It’s Christmas Eve! It doesn’t seem that long ago I started posting this series for the second time, and people were rolling their eyes at me for starting so early lol.
                My Grandma always told us, on Christmas eve at 5:00, if it’s not done, it’s not getting done. Like I mentioned in one of my very first posts, this series is not about the perfect Christmas special holiday. It was about making things easier on you, so you can take the time to enjoy the season and not see it as a huge stresser. Which for me, kind of makes it the perfect Christmas, every time. SO Grandma’s words really are words to live by.
                As soon as I’m off work tonight, my Holiday starts, and family will be at my house, just waiting for me. My Uncle has pasties for us for supper (google them, because I can count how many people in my life know what they are), I’ll put on my hot chocolate in the slow cooker (for my friends who tried my burnt hot chocolate years ago, I perfected it now), and we’ll head to the lights display to walk around, before heading back to our house and enjoying hot chocolate, and a Christmas special. And the only lights in the room will be the tree and the candles we light every Christmas.

                Unfortunately this year, life has gotten in the way. With a combination of my Father in-law having a terrible cold, and my being pregnant, my in-laws won't be joining us this year. I hope they realize we have to make it extra special next year.

                I’m pretty excited for MY Christmas eve, and I hope you enjoy yours.
K, Luv ya, Bye

Nancy, Cale and Alice

PS, my post tomorrow will likely be much later, because no offense, my blog won’t be my top priority

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