Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Boxing Day Sales

Well today is boxing day, for sales. Much like Black Friday, Boxing day is a busy, and can me insane sales day. Your mentality may be to stay away. If this is the case, sit back, and enjoy. If you have flyers scoped out and know what deals you want to get, here are my tips:

                Get out early. Boxing day always have door crashers, but most are while quantities last. They don’t tend to last long. Not to mention, the earlier you wrap up your shopping, the sooner you’re going to be out of the mayham

                Hydrate. Seems obvious, but these stores can be crowded, and hot. While I like to think here in Canada, I like to think you wouldn’t get trampled to death if you collapsed in the crowds… I think we’d like to avoid the collapsing all together.

                Take a deep breath. Yes, get out early, but take your time. Some times there will be a wait. People can go into these crowds and say they should have more people working. The reality is stores can only have so many employees working. All you can really do is wait your turn, and all the employees can do is their best.

                Get your rest/ Caffeinate. The caffeine sounds like a weird one to come from a pregnant lady, but there it is. Going into one of these mad houses, being tired is not a good call. Right off the bat how good of a mood will you be in with out energy? Not to mention, you’re going in for a deal that day right? You want to know all your options, and absorb what is being explained to you. 

                These are some of my tips
K, Luv Ya, Bye!

Nancy, Cale and Alice

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