Friday, 15 June 2018

Happy Birthday/ Father's Day

This weekend is Father's day, but on top of that, it's also Cale's birthday. This post is basically going to be gushing about how great he is, so heads up.

          Cale has been incredible to me over the years, he's an amazing person. Long before we ever knew that we would be more than a college romance, he got up in the middle of the night in a snow storm to drive me to the hospital, for something that a boyfriend of less than a year probably shouldn't have to face, and yet he held my hand through it. He moved to Saint John for me. I had a job offer in the field I wanted, and he wanted me, so he followed me. I swore up and down, I would never be married, and never have kids. He has been the exception to  that rule. A few years ago, I realized Cale's life goal was nothing to do with career, like so many people I know, but to have a family. This is why I decided to start one with him, he has been so incredible I thought how it was something I would want to share with him.

         Fast forward to last year. Through my pregnancy, there were conflicts with my health, and I was at the hospital, weekly, and honestly twice a week was the norm. I was more than once admitted, and he didn't blink, he jumped to whatever I needed. Through labour, I would never have gotten through that without him, and what's more he tells me to this day how great I did, the man is my biggest fan, as I am his.

        Since Jake has been born he has been everything. Putting Jake down to get something done for 5 min was out of the question until about the last 3 weeks, and Cale did everything that needed to be done around the house. Was it always perfect? No, but so much better than it would have been had we been relying on me. While all of these things are absolutely wonderful, I think my favorite thing to see with him is his relationship with Jake. Jake is not a little boy who wants his mommy and only his mommy, daddy is right on par with me, he thinks the world of him. What's more Cale insisted on getting up with me for night feedings, and when I didn't wake him, he would ask me why. I'm not sure if it's just his desire to be a wonderful father, or that he knew as far as a dad goes, I have pretty high standards, but he has met and exceeded every expectation I have had.

        With all this being said, I think that Cale deserves the greatest Birthday wishes, and the Happiest first Father's day ever.

k Cale, Luv Ya, Bye!


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