Sunday, 13 May 2018

My First Mothers Day

          Today has been my first Mothers Day as a Mom, and it's been a good day. That's sayin something because I haven't enjoyed a Mothers Day in over 25 years...I don't actually remember enjoying one or sharing one with my mom.

          While I haven't enjoyed any that I can remember, my worst was last year. Last year it was a combination of things. Cale and I had been trying actively for the little man now known as Jake for a year and a half, and Mothers day was rubbing it in my face, on top of the typical downer. Also last year I was looking down the barrel of the age my mother was when she passed. My mom already had 2 kids at this point, and here I was struggling to have my kid, and become a mother on a day celebrating mothers.

         This year has been the polar opposite. Jake slept in this morning, giving me a little more rest. I woke up to a gift of my favorite chocolates, and a T shirt I had coveted for a while (pic above). I got to share the day with many women I love and respect, and wish them a wonderful day. Jake has been more co-operative today than normal, and we had some fun play time. It hasn't been an eventful day, but I enjoyed it.

K, Luv Ya, Bye!


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