Thursday, 10 May 2018

Mom Post #8, 2 Months Old


           It's 9:00pm, and I sit here thinking where I was 2 months ago this time. I'm sure I was being prepped for surgery, to have a C Section. 2 months ago today, my little man was born weighing in at 7lbs 10oz. Today he weighs about 11lbs12 oz. He has grown so much in 2 months and I'm not quite sure where the time has gone. In some ways I've learned SO much, in others, I still feel like I'm trying to keep afloat. 

          As painful as it is at times to pack up his clothes (another sleeper went in the box today), I kind of love seeing the ways he's grown. Jake is super sturdy, and can generally keep his head up on his own now. Also every time Cale hands him to me he smiles, and the way he looks at me just melts me. He loves when we put him in front of a mirror, bright colours, and the cantina music from Star Wars...seriously, I sing it and he gets amped. Cale hates it by now, but he really does love it. I'm also seeing the newborn look fade away. A LOT of newborns look alike, and while I could have picked Jake out in a crowd, I saw it. Now he's getting his own looks, however it seems to be a little different all the time. I see Cale a bunch. Today I saw me. One thing that is super special to me, his eyes. They seem to switch back and forth between blue and grey. This is special because my dad's eyes changed colours. I was hoping there would be something of my parents in Jake. Where my son will never know them, for there to be something of each of them there, it would just mean a lot. Not hard to have something of mom, I look like my mom, but dad's eyes, that's awesome, hopefully that sticks around. 

       Two months already. I can't believe it. 

       K, Luv Ya, Bye


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