Friday, 20 March 2015

Waking from Hibernation

     Hello Spring... LOL according to the calendar anyway. Today is technically the first day of spring, after first...evening... I dunno. The Snow is still very much there, and I feel like Mother Nature is like, took, I put the sun out and put the temp above freezing...for now. I know seems super pessimistic, and after my post about positivity  too.  I'm getting to the positive twist, I'm just being honest here.

     Snow or no snow, I'm embracing spring. I've started into that clutter accumulated in the winter months, and today's grocery trip was reflective of spring. I'm also fighting. How is this positive? The last 2 winters it's become apparent to me, I shut down after December. I don't know if this is something everyone does, or if I have the winter blues, but I shut down. I don't want to do anything, and pretty well isolate myself from people in my life. I got text messages from the two people I text with the most asking me if I was ok. Coming from those two kind of made me more aware of it, and I have made an actual effort to try and not be so closed off.  If you've felt shunned from me, believe me I haven't meant to make you feel that way, I still heart you bunches, I just get like this. I hope there are no hurt feelings.

    So you see why I'm eager to let spring in. When Spring comes, I realize the wall I built around me, and work to try and repair potentially damaged relationships. People who are in my life, I want there, and I don't want any of them to feel like I don't.

    So Spring, happy to see you, lets take my life back! 

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