Monday 6 August 2018

Blogging about Blogging


           I've been having a hard time finding time, and topics to blog about. Cale has been off for the last week and Jake has had some new experiences.

          One thing that started was Jake is on solids now. Cereal is very popular, and we have mixed it with Sweet potatoes so far which was a so so experience. I think he prefers his cereal to mixed with the sweet potatoes. Today we try apples.

          We've also been dog sitting and our friends have a swing that is perfect for Jake to lay in and we just swing him around, he loved it.

          I've been working kind of behind the scenes on the blog, things I might like to post about. One major thing of course is we're JUST over a month away from my Christmas planning series starting, which means my preparation for it is underway. This will be my third year doing this series, and it has been vastly different between years. My first year, OUR focus was our first Christmas in our new house. Not to mention there was VERY little organization, preparation, and I really had no idea what I was doing. Last year, I was preggo, so my physical capabilities were limited. A lot more prep, organization, and I had an idea what I was doing, I was just ALWAYS so tired. This year is Jake's first Christmas. I have EVERY post scheduled, and even started on some of the prepping and basic notes for the posts. Once again Cale will be playing a MAJOR role in all of it, and so will Jake not prepping but promise he will be in there. Honestly the exciting part for us will be watching his reactions to different aspects (for me, the tree will be a BIG one).

         When I have made mention of the Christmas posts, I've mentioned that while I post new posts on Facebook, on both my personal and fan page, this year I have offered to post directly to YOUR facebook page, so you never miss a post. I only have a few names that have asked to be included on this list, but if you would like to be included let me know.

        K, Luv Ya, Bye



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