Friday, 16 September 2016

Make a list, check it twice, then again, then remake the list....

     For me, a big part of Christmas planning is making lists. I love making lists, and tend to be more efficient when I'm operating with one. With Christmas planning, I have them in abundance.

     Before I delve deep into my pile of lists (which btw, I'm only covering one today), Let me mention some resources. If you read my first post in this series, you know I rely on 101 days to Christmas. By my #1 resource basically in life, is Pinterest (I might have a problem). I've been on Pinterest for 4 years, and Christmas is my oldest board. If you aren't on Pinterest, you should get on, and if you don't have a Christmas Board, you should make one. It will keep ideas for you, give you guidance, and in some cases, kind of show you your Christmas style. Mine is traditional/kitschy. If you're looking for a place to start, or even just a board to creep, here is mine.

     Getting back on track, I mentioned Pinterest because it can help you with a lot, including what this post is all about, the master list. The master list is everything, everything you need to do and want to do this Christmas. Think of what you would like to do to make your Christmas season perfect, and put it on the list. A lot of these things will end up with their own list. Add things like decorating, sending cards, buying gifts, wrapping gifts, Christmas parties, charitable donations, parades..every solitary thing you can think of. Now, let me stress this, and please allow yourself to accept this, you're not going to do it ALL (unless you have a tiny list). I'm a strong believer, Christmas doesn't have to be perfect. Some great memories I have are when things went wrong, like my roasting pan was too big for the oven in my then new apartment. You just do what you gotta do and roll with it. The other things about this list is be prepared that you're going to add things to it, and you may need to revamp it if you're like me and do it in a notebook, just so you can read it still down the road. So for me, that's it, step #1 in planning for Christmas!

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