There are a few things on the go in my house at the moment.
We got the Fall yard work done yesterday, and the hose, bbq and lawn chairs
gone into hiding for the next several months. We actually went to a few home
improvement stores yesterday, and Christmas stuff was sprouting up. Also my
seasonal favorite store Christmas Discounters is open for another season. I’m
keeping my eye on that place, they had a Duvet cover I loved, and when I went
back of course it was gone.
At this point,
I’m hoping we’re on top of the overwhelming food planning, and gift planning.
There is however one part you likely overlooked. I’m so bad for this one and
honestly, 101 Days to Christmas reminded me, Stocking stuffers. They are always
the thing I forget, and force me into the Christmas shopping insanity, that I
start early to avoid. So start now. And the beauty of starting now means, when you
spot stuff, you can do it on sale and save a little too! Start the stocking
stuffers now, it’s just going to be so much easier.
Another thing to
start taking into consideration now, is Travel plans. Are you traveling?
Booking accommodations, and travel tickets early is a good call. Not only does
it mean you’re all set (because yes, things like Hotels book quickly for that
time of year) things like flights, you might save a little money on too. If
you’re not traveling, do you have anyone coming to you? We’ve put out the
invite (because we moved into our first house, I basically put it out on moving
day), now we’re starting the follow ups to solidify these plans.
And finally the
other thing we’re focusing on is Thanksgiving. Yes this blog is about Christmas
planning, but it starts with other Holidays still in sight, so now is the time
to start all of that planning as well. The good news is Thanksgiving revolves
greatly around the food, and you’re already equipped for that. I really should
have mentioned this point in my last blog, I over buy when it comes to things
like gravy and stuffing and things of that nature, because I’ll likely need to
hit up my stash for Thanksgiving too. I do know the Turkey sales have started…
while I encourage the whole buy early thing, you can buy now for Thanksgiving,
not for Christmas… we don’t need a freezer burnt bird.