Tuesday 10 February 2015

A letter to Energy

Dear Energy,

            I’m taking the time to write you this letter today to say, I miss you! It’s been a couple weeks now since I’ve seen you. Caffeine has visited more lately, so has sleep, but I’m still missing you. I’ve been laying around a lot. Spending too much time on my laptop… and my couch. Without you, it’s kind of awkward to try and hangout with exercise… He can tell I don’t really want to be there, and without you, I put in little to no effort. There’s laundry that needs to be done… and it’s kind of just waiting for me, while I wait for you.

            I understand why you went away. It’s cold, super snowy, and overcast, a LOT.  I wonder though if you were here if a grey winter day may be better, or at the very least productive. Anyway, I’m sure you have every intention of returning, I hope it’s soon…I miss you in my life. Wanted to let you know.

See you soon ( I hope)


PS I drank a coffee today… I haven’t had a coffee in 8 months…I need you  

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