Thursday 26 February 2015

A Blog About My Best Friend

     So, I'll start out by saying, no one on this planet is closer to me, or knows me better than my Husband. He is MUCH more than my best friend, he is the other half of me. This blog, is not about him.

     No this post is about some one I've known MUCH longer, my best friend Lisa.
Was looking for a great pic for this post, and I think this is absolutely perfect. 

     We were twelve when we met, it was one of the first few months of Jr. High, we both tried out for the Volley ball team, and both failed miserably. We were both still in our little cliques with the kids we'd each grown up with, and I wouldn't begin to say we were instant friends, we passed in the halls and said hi, and I think we may have added each other on MSN and started talking that way...I can't really remember that part. What I do remember is discovering our common interests, and eventually changing tables in the cafeteria in the mornings and lunch. Is it weird I still remember the seating arrangement? We had spots LONG before Sheldon Cooper was a thing. 

     We had a group of 6 girls, that eventually dwindled down to 4, who were super tight knit. I think it was a combination of us all being quite creative in our own way, so we had that as a common ground, and also, I think at some point or another, we'd all been social outcasts... we may have been a "revenge of the nerds" type group, but as a result we were fiercely loyal. Did you ever watch Harry Potter, and go, wow, I wish I had a friendship like Harry, Ron and Hermione had? I had it (not to brag). The four of us went through so much together. I remember a Jr. High Dance where we THOUGHT one of my friends then boyfriend (now husband) had made her cry... we rushed the guy... and my hand may have been on the collar of his shirt...for the record, he didn't make her cry (sorry again). Another one broke up and got back together with the same guy over and over, and we all wanted to smack her, but no matter what if we got the tear filled "we broke up " call, we were there. There were tears about boys (a lot actually), hurt feelings, and being let down by people we shouldn't have EVER been let down by. Like I said, I had, and actually still have ( if they're an hour away or on a completely different continent) great friends ( I actually have great friends who live withing 5 min of me...but I'm getting far enough off topic with this post).

     Looking back, it's really ridiculous Lisa and I never called the other our "Best friend". We said Good friend, one of my closest friends, but never BEST...and over the years I probably hung out with her more than other people combined. We'd go out for food and take turns paying, and in all honesty... we lost track of whose turn it was on more than one occasion, but didn't care, because we knew that it would work out in the end. If she didn't tell this story herself I would take it to the grave, but it's true, and she's going to get a kick out of me posting this. Her "first time" she came rushing up to me, and told me she had to tell me something...I looked at her, and blurted it out... she froze, I could some how tell by looking at her. My dad called her his "other daughter", Her grandmother used to get me to get stuff out of the cupboards and fridge at their house myself... and I'm pretty sure I'm the only one her grandfather lost the "nick-name" for and actually learned my real name... By the way I was "the little loud one". ALL of this, and we didn't say "best friend". The only possible reason I can think of, is because when we fought, WE FOUGHT. There was one time we nearly slugged each other...but went back to friends the next day. 

     It was college when we realized, we were best friends. When being separated didn't mean forgetting a Birthday phone call, and coming home, the we were the first person the other one called, this is when we realized. It was after this, that the slight adolescent insecurities were wiped away, and we realized, that no matter where the other was, we were always there for each other and ALWAYS best friends. We're both married, we were both in the others wedding... and we both like the others husband. She has 2 kids, both who I adore, one old enough to adore me back and the other is my God son. We live 4 hours away from each other, and go long times without talking or seeing each other, but when we's like there was no time in between, we just have stuff to talk about. 

     There are a bajillion stories I could tell you, but they're our stories. Instead I'll tell you some of the awesome stuff about my best friend... She's insanely loyal, she never judges some one before getting to know them. She's determined, and as easily as she can get stressed out she really is a problem solver. She's honest, and blunt. She's giving, some times to a fault. She's strong, and puts others before herself. She is creative and ridiculously fun, she doesn't embarrass easily, so she's often up for anything. The list could continue but we'll wrap it up there. I have an awesome best friend, and have ( if I realized it or not) for more than half of my life. 

     Oh also a bonus! Your best friend being named Lisa means you can perform this song EVERY year one her birthday.... and I know since we were AT LEAST 14, it's popped up every year!
.Don't know how she feels about it now... but she hated it when we were kids... which makes it more fun :D

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