Sunday, 5 February 2017

Christmas Progress Report #1

  A few days late but none the less here it is, my progress report. If you followed the Christmas blog right through to the end you know what this is. If not, here is a little info.

     My Christmas Blog series started in September, with a 100 day countdown. BUT I did stress that I do stuff through the year, and you would be seeing Christmas posts through the year. So here is what I got done for the month of January:

Food: No, nothing on the food front, way too early for that.

      I have pretty solid idea of a gift I'm giving next year, but it's also one I'm going to make, so I can watch for supplies.

Crafts: #1 priority is above here, but I have so many potential craft ideas it's insane

Planning: Nothing really there either, again, a bit early.

Organizing: For starters, I actually organized my pinterest boards, and ended up with like 3 Christmas boards, so I got more organized that way for sure. But my biggest accomplishment for the month of January was actually taking everything down and organizing it. My Christmas Stuff is more organized than EVER before, and it's going to make it easier for next year....until I find stuff through the year and make a big mess down there...not only possible, likely.

K, Love Ya, Bye!


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